Tongue Twisters (a significant collection of tongue teasers)

Tongue Twisters This is a fairly large collection of Tongue Twisters, you can easily add new ones by commenting or emailing them to me. Older Twisters December 2005 Are you copper bottoming them my man No I’m aluminiuming them Mum nikkie – HOW MUCH OIL COULD A GUM BOIL BOIL IF A GUM BOIL COULD… Continue reading Tongue Twisters (a significant collection of tongue teasers)

The Power of Television

The Power of Television by Martin Ward About 18 years ago I read Malcom Muggeridge’s book "Christ and the Media" which was a real eye-opener. The most telling passage is where he discusses how what we see (via television) enters directly into our minds with hardly any chance of being questioned, while what we read… Continue reading The Power of Television

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